Many companies out on the market often use tactics where they declare that their products are paraben free, sulphate free etc but then trick us into thinking that they contain no nasties, only for us to discover that whilst they don't contain those ingredients they do contain other ingredients we really shouldn't be putting on or in our body, this means we have to read every label to check ingredients and be very careful not to be fooled by their marketing ploys.
When looking into adding a product or range to our collections we look at a lot of things behind the company, one of them being the people behind the company, the integrity of them, packaging and of course the ingredients.
We recently added the Acure products to our range as they passed all our integrity tests and they also have some great one liners on their products that make you laugh out loud.
If you are looking for products that are pure simple and effective and may "make you belt out some horrible 80's tune that you listen to when nobody's around " then the Acure range is for you.
View the full range here
We also have 10% off that ends Midnight WST on Sunday the5th of Feb, use the discount code ACURE at checkout